Friday, May 16, 2008

Oregon Update from Pacific John

May 15th

We don't have the insanity of the Texas Two Step here, so my OR reports are a lot less colorful. Mail-in, like here and CA, is all about phoning voters, and getting them to turn ballots in for Hillary. There are no polling places, per se. Like in CA, we don't have much visibility or canvassing.

That said, we are still kicking ass on the phones. The disparity between what I see and what is in the polls is too great to make any sense. Mark my words, the polls will magically close by Monday morning, reflecting the fact that people have already mailed in a lot of ballots for Hillary.

Here's a popular piece of information: today was the last day to safely mail-in ballots to get to elections offices on time. How do the rest get turned in, including the large, late rush? We have secure drop boxes all over Oregon, and voters are trained to use them. They are old fashioned steel post office mail boxes, painted white. You can locate them here.

Another oddity of this election is that it is all front-loaded. It is all about recruiting phone bankers days or weeks ahead of the election, and watching the early momentum build and carry itself. Today was very hands-off for me, primarily taking care of vols I recruited a week ago. My major contribution to the office now is recruiting walk-in to work shifts. I have polished my "ask," and snag quite a few new vols. It's not that hard, though: we have a great atmosphere in the phone bank, and the work is satisfying. If I have a terrified introvert, I use the psychological ploy of walking him/her to watch our champion phone banker, Jennifer (who earned a meet and greet with Hillary), work her magic. We are kicking ass.

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